Friday, January 25, 2013

Ice Ice Baby

We had some freezing rain over overnight. Schools are closed and there are lots of other cancellations, but I was able to brave this treacherous weather and make it to work today. Okay, it turned out that it wasn't so bad outside but I still had to dress in my most capable slush-trekking outfit. My go-to shoes for this weather are rubber rain boots with fleece inserts. I love these boots because they are stylish yet still highly functional and practical for wet conditions. I've had these boots for awhile, maybe it is time for a new pair? Some of my favorites are shown below.
What are your favorite cold-weather shoes?
Top left: Tory Burch
Bottom Left: Chooka
Right: Chooka
Left: Michael Kors
Right: Hunter

Left: Me in Burberry Boots
Center: Rachel Bilson in Hunter boots
Right: Hilary Duff in Burberry boots

Today I'm wearing:
Top: Zara
Pants: Articles of Society
Boots: Burberry
Necklace: H&M

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